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捐款 Donation

* 如捐款達港幣 100 元或以上並需獲發收據以申請減免稅項,捐款者需提供個人資料包括捐款人姓名、聯絡電話及地址,而資料只供寄發收據及募捐之用,絕對保密。

如有查詢,歡迎致電2570 9395 whatsapp 6015 5085

Donations of HK$100 or above, a receipt would be issued for tax deduction. For issuing the receipt, please send the payment receipt along with your personal details, including the full name, contact number and address of the donor, to us.  All personal information will be used for issuing receipt and fundraising purpose only and will be kept strictly confidential.

* For enquiries, please contact us at 2570 9395 or whatsapp to 6015 5085.

項目一:捐款 Donation

1. 個人捐款 Personal Donation



Every dollar and cent from your donations will go towards helping the people in need, e.g. the elderly, disabled and etc., in receiving the most suitable support. Your donation can be made through the following ways:

 (一) 網上捐款 Online Donation

以轉數快 (FPS ID:102603933) 捐款。

如捐款達港幣 100 元或以上並需獲發收據,請把入數證明連同個人資料(包括捐款人姓名、聯絡電話及地址) whatsapp 至6015 5085。

Simply use FPS (FPS ID:102603933) Donation.

If your donation is HK$100 or above and a receipt is requested, please send the payment receipt along with your personal details (including the full name, contact number and address of the donor) by whatsapp to 6015 5085.

(二) 劃線支票 Crossed Cheque

支票抬頭請註明「香港基督教培道聯愛會」,並寄回香港基督教培道聯愛會總會辦事處( 地址:香港銅鑼灣渣甸街36號3樓)。

如捐款達港幣 100 元或以上並需獲發收據,請把支票連同個人資料(包括捐款人姓名、聯絡電話及地址) 寄回本會。

Please make the cheque payable to “Hong Kong Christian Mutual Improvement Society ” and send to us by mail (Address: 3rd Floor, No. 36 Jardine’s Bazaar, Causeway, Hong Kong).

If your donation is HK$100 or above and a receipt is requested, please send the cheque along with your personal details (including the full name, contact number and address of the donor) to us.

(三)直接存入銀行戶口 Direct Deposit


如捐款達港幣 100 元或以上並需獲發收據,請存入捐款後,將存款單連同個人資料(包括捐款人姓名、聯絡電話及地址) whatsapp 至6015 5085。

Please arrange direct deposit into the following bank account: Dah Sing Bank 280-348822-002.
If your donation is HK$100 or above and a receipt is requested,please send us the deposit slip along with your contact details, including the full name, contact number and address of the donor, by whatsapp to 6015 5085.

(四) 物資捐贈 Material Donation

歡迎捐贈各類物資,請致電2570 9395或whatsapp至6015 5085跟我們聯絡。

Welcome to donate various kinds of materials.  Please contact 2570 9395 or whatsapp to 6015 5085 for more information.

2. 企業捐款Corporate Donation

(一) 支持籌款活動 Support Fundraising Activities

本會會不定期舉辦大型籌款活動,歡迎公眾及商界企業熱心支持。如有興趣,可致電 2570 9395或 whatsapp 至 6015 5085。

We organise large-scale fundraising activities and welcome enthusiastic support from the public and business enterprises.  If you are interested to learn more about organising fundraising activities with us, please contact us at 2570 9395 or whatsapp to 6015 5085.

(二) 擺放籌款箱 Placement of Donation Boxes

歡迎各商界企業及團體於旗下辦公室、商場或店鋪等擺放籌款箱,匯聚公眾的善款,讓我們能夠幫助更多有需要的人士。如有查詢,請致電2570 93955或 whatsapp 至 6015 5085。




We welcome corporations and organizations to place donation boxes in your office, shopping centres, outlets and etc.  By putting together the generous donations from the public, we are able to extend our help to more people  in need. Please contact us at 2570 9395 or whatsapp to 6015 5085 for further information.

Click to download donation collection box booking form

Type of donation collection box

(三) 物資捐贈 Material Donation

歡迎各商界企業及團體捐贈各類物資,請致電2570 9395或whatsapp至6015 5085跟我們聯絡。

All business enterprises and organizations are welcome to donate various kinds of materials.  Please contact 2570 9395 or whatsapp to 6015 5085 for more information.